th en



Article 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , Miscellaneous Articles

Article 1
Name, Emblem, and Office Location.
Item 1. This Foundation shall be called The Foundation for TQM Promotion in Thailand abbreviated as FTQM.
Item 2.

The emblem of this Foundation is

Item 3.

The Office of the Foundation is located at:
Office of the National Science and Technology Development,
73/1 Rama VI Road, Tungphyathai, Rajathevee District, Bangkok 10400


Item 4.

Objectives of this Foundation
4.1 To promote and encourage members to apply TQM as a tool to quickly develop ability in management and sustainability so as to create national efficiency in the following aspects :-

  • ability to compete in the world market
  • sustainable development of the country
  • increase in the quality of life of personnel and their environment in various organizations

4.2 To promote the analytical studies of the state of affairs and obstacles in the application of TQM 
4.3To supply information, opinions, and suggestions concerning TQM to the general public as well as the government. 
4.4 To accumulate the experience of the individuals who are successful in applying TQM, and disseminate it to business and academic circles at large. 
4.5 To promote collaboration among institutes, offices, associations, foundations, academic institutes, and private sectors to collect and develop the knowledge in applying TQM to various establishments. 
4.6 To create the relation among international organizations that have objectives relevant to those of the Foundation. 
4.7 To promote cultural functions. 
4.8 Shall not involve in any political activities. 
4.9 To perform, or to cooperate with other charity organizations for public benefits.


Funds, properties and the acquisition of properties
Item 5.

The property of the Foundation is initiated with a cash of 200,000 Baht (two thousand Baht).

Item 6.

The Foundation can acquire its properties through the following ways 
6.1 Cash or properties donated by wills or other legal acts that are free from any conditions in law that the Foundation has to take responsibility. 
6.2 Cash or properties voluntarily donated to the Foundation. 
6.3 Benefits generated from the properties of the Foundation. 
6.4 Incomes generated from the activities of the Foundation.


Properties and Termination of a Membership of the Committee
Item 7.

Members of the committee shall possess the following properties
7.1Shall not be less than 20 years of age. 
7.2 Shall not be a bankrupt or an incapacitated or quasi-incapacitated person. 
7.3 Must not be a convict with an imprisonment, except on a careless act, or on a petty offence.

Item 8.

Cessation of membership of the Committee of the Foundation occurs due to 
8.1 Expiry term 
8.2 Death or resignation 
8.3 Cannot fulfill the requirements of Item 7 
8.4 8.2 Behaves and (/or) conducts maliciously, and the Committee of the Foundation has a resolution to dismiss the member by a majority of not less than half of the Committee.


Operation of the Committee of the Foundation
Item 9.

The Committee of the Foundation shall comprise members of not less than 5 but not more than 15 to perform its functions.

Item 10. The Committee of the Foundation shall comprise a chairman, a vice-chairman, a secretary, a treasurer, and a proper number of committee to suit Item 9.
Item 11. The election procedure of the Foundation is as follows:
The present Committee of the Foundation shall elect a committee and other committee with a suitable number of members complying with the regulations.
Item 12. The organizing Committee of the Foundation shall hold the office for a period of three years.
Item 13. The election of a Committee of the Foundation shall adopt a simple majority of the assembly as the resolution of the meeting.
Item 14. A member of the Committee of Foundation when expired may be re-elected.
Item 15.

In the case of expiry of a committee of the Foundation, the out-going committee shall hold office until the registration of the new elected committee is approved.


Authority and Duty of the Committee of the Foundation
Item 16. The Committee of the Foundation has the authorities and duties to manage the Foundation in line with the objectives of the Foundation and under the regulations of the Foundation. The Committee has the following authorities and duties: 
16.1 To formulate and execute the policies of the Foundation. 
16.2 To supervise the finance and properties of the Foundation. 
16.3 To submit action reports, and financial statements to the Ministry of the Interior. 
16.4 To perform in accordance with the resolution of the meeting of the Committee and the objectives of the regulations. 
16.5 To issue rules of procedure of the Foundation. 
16.6 To set up or cancel a sub-committee or various sub-committee to perform specific functions of the Foundation under the supervision of the Committee of the Foundation. 
16.7 To invite academics or persons who are of benefit to the Foundation to be honorary committee.
16.8 To invite dignitaries to be the benefactors of the Foundation. 
16.9 To invite academics to be consultants to the Foundation. 
16.10 To appoint or dismiss a full-time officer of the Foundation, the resolution applying Items 16.7, 16.8, and 16.9 must comply with the majority decision of the meeting, and the consultant by Item 16.9 shall be the consultant of the inviting committee only. 
16.11 16.10 To represent the Foundation in any activities concerning a third party.
Item 17. The Chairman of the Foundation has the following authorities: 
17.1 To chair the meeting of the Committee of the Foundation. 
17.2 To call a meeting of the Committee of the Foundation. 
17.3 To represent the Foundation in contacting a third party or in signing documents, regulations and other concerned documentary materials of the Foundation. The process shall be valid when the Chairman of the Foundation or an assigned member of the Foundation has initialed it. 
17.4 To perform other duties according to the regulations and decisions of the Committee of the Foundation.
Item 18. The Deputy Chairman of the Foundation shall act for the Chairman of the Foundation when the Chairman is unable to act, or when the Chairman assigns him to act for.
Item 19. If the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman are unable to perform their duty at any one meeting, the Assembly shall elect any one member of the Committee to preside over that meeting.
Item 20. The Secretary of the Foundation has duties to organize and perform routine functions of the Foundation, to coordinate general activities, to keep rules and regulations of the Foundation, to arrange meetings called by the Chairman of the Foundation, and to prepare minutes of the meetings including general reports of the Foundation.
Item 21. The Treasurer has duties to regulate the finance and manage the properties of the Foundation as well as auditing the accounts and validating the related documents in accordance with the regulations laid down by the Committee of the Foundation.
Item 22. Members of other positions shall have duties assigned to by the Committee of the Foundation in the form of orders clearly specifying the authority and duty.
Item 23.

Item 23. The Committee of the Foundation shall have rights to attend any meetings of the Committee or Sub-committee of the Foundation.


Item 24. The Committee of the Foundation can appoint or dismiss any sub-committee as may be deemed appropriate. A sub-committee can be appointed as regular or temporary to do a special task. In the case that the Committee of the Foundation has not elected the chairman, or the secretary, or any other positions for the sub-committee, the sub-committee can elect ones from among themselves to hold the above mentioned positions.
Item 25.

The sub-committee shall hold office until the assigned task has been accomplished. The regular sub-committee shall hold office for the duration assigned to by the Committee of the Foundation. If the duration has not been specified, the regular sub-committee shall hold office until the expiry of the Committee of the Foundation appointing them. The expired sub-committee may be re-appointed. 
25.1 The sub-committee has duties to perform the functions assigned to them by the Committee of the Foundation. 
25.2 The sub-committee has duties to submit opinions on the functions assigned to them to the Committee of the Foundation.

Meetings of the Committee of the Foundation
Item 26. The Committee of the Foundation must call the annual ordinary meeting within March of every year and the valid assembly must contain at least one-half of the total number of the Committee of the Foundation.
Item 27. An extraordinary meeting can be held on the request of the Chairman of the Committee of the Foundation, or a not less than two-fifths of the Committee has requested for it.
Item 28. To organize a meeting and the assembly of the sub-committee, the procedure laid down by the Committee of the Foundation shall be followed. Matters concerned the meeting shall be agreed upon by the sub-committee themselves, and those concerned the assembly, Item 26 shall be applied as appropriate.
Item 29. In the meeting of the Committee of the Foundation or the sub-committee, if the rules do not specify otherwise, the decision of the meeting shall be made by a simple majority. In the event of an equality of votes, the Chairman shall have the casting vote. The Chairman of the Committee has authority to order a voting on any routine or petty task by letter instead of calling a Committee of the Foundation meeting. The Chairman of the Committee of the Foundation must report this action to the Committee of the Foundation in the following meeting. The decision whether the task is routine or petty is under the judgement of the Chairman of the Committee of the Foundation.
Item 30.

In the meeting of the Committee of the Foundation or the sub-committee, the chairman of the Committee of the Foundation or the chairman of the meeting, has an authority to invite or allow appropriate persons to join the meeting as honorable guests, or observers, to provide clarification or consultation to the meeting.


Financial Rgulations
Item 31. The Chairman of the Foundation or the Vice-chairman who is in case acting for the Chairman can authorize a payment of not more than 100,000 baht (one hundred thousand baht) at any one time. If the sum exceeds this amount, the payment must be approved by a simple majority of the Committee of the Foundation.
Item 32. The Treasurer has a financial authority to keep not more than 30,000 baht (thirty thousand baht) in cash.
Item 33. Cash or legal documents of the Foundation must be deposited in a bank or any other government-guaranteed financial institutions. The Committee of the Foundation will decide for the suitability.
Item 34. Every payment by cheques or bills of exchange must bear the endorsement of the Committee of the Foundation, or its representatives, or the Treasurer before they can be cashed.
Item 35. The spending according to the objectives of the Foundation including the administrative costs must be paid from the interest occurring from property fund and cash donated without specifying any particular purposes, and incomes from activities of the Foundation.
Item 36.

The Committee of the Foundation shall lay down regulations on finance, accounting, and property of the Foundation and also other authorities concerned in receiving and paying beyond the existing regulations.


Amendments of Regulations
Item 38.

The amendment of the regulations can only be done in the meeting of not less than two-thirds the Committee of the Foundation. A majority of not less than three-fourths of the number of the Committee of the Foundation present at the meeting can approve the amendment.


Dissolution of the Foundation
Item 39. If the Foundation is be dissolved by the Committee or by any other causes, all its remaining properties shall be equally transferred to the Foundation of the Industrial Development and the Foundation of the Science and Technology Graduates Assembly of Thailand.
Item 40.

The termination of the Foundation shall be complete not only by law but also by the following causes without any judicial orders: 
40.1 When the Foundation has been allowed to register as a legal person but cannot acquire the full promised property. 
40.2 When a two-thirds majority of the Committee of the Foundation approves the dissolution. 
40.3 When the Foundation cannot recruit the required number of the committee specified by the regulations 
40.4 When the Foundation cannot function any further whatsoever the causes.


Miscellaneous Articles
Item 41. In case of any doubts in the interpretation of any regulations of the Foundation, the simple majority of the Committee of the Foundation present, shall make a ruling.
Item 42. In the case that any action has not been specified in the regulations of the Foundation, the Civil and Commercial Code shall apply.
Item 43.

The Foundation shall not be organized for self-benefits or for whomsoever except only to support the objectives of the Foundation